God is the strength...
I'm sorry I've been away from this space for so long. I feel awful about not being able to post here everyday. I've received some great passages that I will share tomorrow. It is unbelievable how the Lord's word is always what I need to get through a complex situation. I make it a point to read the Bible every day. I say a little personal prayer before I get started. I open randomly and often right before my eyes is the very thing I needed to know.
I've had a a couple of difficult days last week. But today was a trial of sorts. I encoutered a situation that usually causes me intense fear and panic. But today I breezed through, not just like that, but with a big smile in my face, and happiness in my heart!!!!!!!!! For a while now I have been doing something many of you do, and something I often forget in a difficult moment- ask the Lord to walk with you. He is only too happy to oblige!!!!! I have also been visiting the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at our church as often as I can. I do this not with the sole purpose of asking, but to thank God for all the opportunities that are coming to us, for the thousands of blessings we receive from Him each day! The last part of my prayer includes placing all my decisions/ choices/ concerns in His most Sacred Heart. Needless to say, Im filled with much peace and able to carry on doing my work without 'worrying' about anything.
We will soon be travelling abroad to a country we are keen to settle down in. We are making this choice for two reasons- most importantly to create a better quality of life for us and our kids (when we have them) and secondly, to seek work opportunities that allow us to explore and use the talents He has given us without resorting to making choices based solely on monetary considerations.
Speaking of which, with His blessing I now have two new work projects on hand!!!! As I went through my client meetings yesterday I asked the Holy Spirit to bless me with His presence and to help me get through the task with enthusiasm and focus. I came away excited at how much my attitude and feelings towards work have changed for the better! God is good all the time!!!!!
Please dont be under the impression that once you start praying or making a comeback to the Lord that life will be all rosy. No. That's not how it works. What works is when you sincerely tell God- I cant do this by myself, but You O mighty God, You will make all things new, You will make a way for me!!!!!! When I trust God implicitly without worrying about controlling everything, I find Im able to make smarter, appropriate decisions.
Look to Him for everything, He will be there for you!
Trust and Commitment
I found this great verse in my inbox this morning...
Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. Psalm 37:5-6
It has been the best of my experience that when I ask our awesome Lord to guide my footsteps, my choices, my life, I am ALWAYS led to a path that is good for me. A path that not only is good for my life but importantly- it brings out the best in me. And when He lives in me, I certainly want the best to be manifest in me!
We all have a fair idea of who we are (when we're not beating ourselves up unnecessarily) and where we want to be, what our lives should be like. Some years back I found myself in a situation where I didnt have the financial means to get out. I felt frustrated, I felt broken. But somewhere in all that turmoil, I knew that something great was waiting for me on the other side. That there was another side! That is faith. It took many years of hoping and praying and working to move out and beyond this situation.
Trust in Him. Dont each of us have someone in our lives we trust no end- sometimes this person may not have our best interests at heart. Have you ever had the experience of trusting someone so much that you ended up betrayed and hurt? Why? "...greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world" 1 John 4:4. We're willing to walk in someone else's way rather than to turn to the Lord who lives in us- the LIVING God. We're willing to pick up the phone and call someone else before we can even think of calling on God. Why? Is it 'cos we want to 'hear' someone else's voice telling us what to do? Don't we believe that He hears us? Dont we believe that He will help us? Try this for a week- everytime you're faced with a choice/ difficult situation/ person- for a few seconds close your eyes, turn your attention to the Lord, ask Him to take care of the situation- you will find your way ahead. And dont just keep asking for favours- PRAISE AND THANK THE LORD WHO LOVES YOU!!!
Our God is an awesome God. Wherever you may be today, at this moment, believe that God loves you, and he knows what you're going through. If you're stuck it's not b'cos He likes watching you suffer- He simply cant move you if you dont want to be moved -by HIM!!!!
Trust in Him. Commit to Him. And watch your life transforming. Just reach out and have a great weekend ahead!
Much needed!
We know that we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.1 John 4:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
For as long as I can remember, whenever I need guidance, comfort, direction, focus, a situation or decision Im facing, my mum always tells me to pray to the Holy Spirit. There are special prayers to the Holy Spirit, but I always find it easier to 'speak' to the Holy Spirit.
These last few months have been quite something. Decisions had to be made, change was on the horizon, new plans, new focus, uncertainty all around- and I did little to pay heed to my mother's advice. Sure I was praying but I wasnt 'letting go, and I sure wasnt letting God.
Ever since we attended the Lenten Missions a couple of weeks ago, my attention has been drawn to the Holy Spirit and His working in my life, in our lives. Since, every morning as I wake up I find myself humming a hymn to the Holy Spirit. If Im not humming, I find myself automatically addressing the Holy Spirit to guide me through my day, to guide my thoughts and to help me with all the choices I have to make every day. I ask the Lord Jesus to be with me and to bless all the activities that will fill my day. Needless to say, I have been experincing tremendous peace to the point of being manic! I am feeling positive, I am feeling light- like a huge weight has lifted off me, and most importantly everything I set out to do, is working well.
Everyday I remember that "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:19-21"
I received the two passages in my inbox in the last couple of days & I knew it was no coincidence. I know that the Holy Spirit is working to bring me up to what God has planned for me. And I know that I am in good hands- GOD'S HANDS!!!!
Try surrendering your life to the Holy Spirit and He will bring you all the graces you need!
Keeping Busy
A few months back I was involved with a minor incident. It could have been quickly forgotten but it wasnt. It spiralled into months of having panic attacks and other unpleasant physiological symptoms. Sure I was praying. I was praying with all my might. But I forgot that I have just one life to live. Every passing day is just another memory. It wont come back. I dont get to re-live it. And I was wasting every day worrying, living in fear. The other persons also in this incident had moved on, continued to live their lives, and there was I suffering in silence from slef-defeat.
Not anymore, though. Over the last few weeks, I have taken my blogging more seriously. I am a freelance writer by profession. At the moment I do not have many projects to occupy me and so I have poured myself into this extremely satisfying (for me that is) outlet. I can keep at my writing. I can explore my writing style, trying new words and ideas. But most importantly, I have discovered many other blogs from women my age, living and doing what I'm planning on doing. And it's been so encouraging to me!!!! Im sure this is the Lord's way of guiding me and saying to me that I dont have to 'wait' for something to happen to me. I can always learn from those around me, even if they are strangers. Do you know what's the best thing that I've experienced? I've regained all my energy & drive to push for my dreams. They may seem lofty, but they are not impossible! Nothing is impossible with our God. Dreaming and praying have so much energy! But what has even more energy is action! Action. Acting on those dreams and prayers, taking the risks. Life may be full of disappointments, but again I say, nothing is impossible!!! This is my testimony, from one who longed to die, to now one who cant help but be grateful for being alive!
If you're having trouble with your mental health/ emotional well-being, I urge you to seek help. There is nothing wrong in getting help. Find a doctor/ psychiatrist/ pastor/ counsellor/ friend/ parent/ anyone. Last week at the Lentent Missions, the priest made a very significant point- God has created us in His image and likeness. So when we are like Him, can we not try for Him who died for us? This Lent, I urge you to try. Try something. Anything. Give it whatever energy you can. Do it for you, not b'cos you need someone else's approval. And I can assure you, He will meet you all the way!!!!
Quick tidbit
Was just reading through some other great blogs and discovered this great quote below at Small Business Diva! Right on, right on!!!!!!!!!! Have posted it on my other blog too!
“When you’re happy for no reason, you’re unconditionally happy. It’s not that your life always looks perfect - it’s just that however it looks, you’ll still be happy.”
Marci Shimoff, Author of Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out
I don't know where I first came across this....but i remember scribbling it down.I like it cos it's practical....hope it helps....
Teach Me Lord
To think of the happiness of others
To hide my little pains and heartaches
To profit by the suffering that comes across my path
That it may mellow me - not harden, nor embitter me;
And make me - not mean, nor haughty, nor irritable nor overbearing, but patient and broad
In my forgiveness.
Showing up
and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37: 4
I found this verse this morning and I personally think it holds so much thought for reflection! The hardest thing to do is to have faith in the Lord when the chips are down. We are easy to despair, this is not unusual; this is what makes us human. There are many self-help books available. There are several activities that we can involve ourselves in to lift our drooping spirits. But in all these things- which also come to us from our loving God- we need to keep our eyes on Him. I know its hard. I know what it's like to want to kill myself. I know what it's like to renounce God and to do my 'own thing'. But I also know that the moment I fixed my eyes and my mind and my soul on Him, He has held me closely to His side.
By "desires of your heart" I understand that it does not mean favours or privileges. I take it to mean that which I desperately need for the health of my soul and mind and spirit. Perhaps I need freedom from fear or freedom from negativity, perhaps I need to build assertion, slef-confidence, perhaps I need to learn how to respect my elders/ figures of authority. We all have areas that are lacking. Some may be obvious for all to know, but some lie within our hidden selves. We may be aware of them but are afraid to seek help/ guidance. We may have guilt about these hidden areas. But He knows. He always knows what you will not say. B'cos He is all-knowing and all-powerful. Jesus heals. Whatever your hardship/ sorrow/ shame/ sin/ shortcoming......keep your eyes on Him.
This doesnt mean you have to suddenly start making drastic changes or start something you're uncomfortable with just to get back with the Lord. Perhaps you've stopped going to church, stopped praying. Start small, but start somewhere. Perhaps you could start with some personal prayer. Pray to a favourite saint. Listen to some gospel music- there are several diff gospel artists appealing to every age group today. Subscribe to a daily bible passage that comes into your email inbox every morning. Above all, make the Holy Spirit your companion. You will find yourself motivated and energised and able to make the appropriate decisions for your life.
Show up and show faith. And He WILL give you the desires of your heart :)
The Happy Homemaker
Hence, just before we were married, I quit. I was emotionally drained and didnt want to take up a similar job in another organisation. I knew that sooner than later I would be back to being stressed with absolutely no time for home or family. Being a homemaker is not easy. My mother has always been a homemaker. Like me, she too gave up her job when we kids were born. I made every effort to learn about my new 'job profile'. Friends and others ridiculed me for this decision. But I firmly pressed on- I disagree that one's self worth/ identity only comes from having a 'job' outside of the home. As a homemaker I soon realised that there was plenty to do and then some. And when I had quiet moments, there were enough resources available to me online that gave me much- needed inspiration to learn something new. Over the course of our first year of marriage, I mastered the art of making candles and held a successful sale that Christmas!!! The ridicule never stopped. At times it became all too much to bear. But I knew in my heart that I had made the best possible decision in order to have a healthy family life. Over time, I have equipped myself with the necessary skills, and now work out of home as a freelance copy and content writer. I am able to earn, I am able to keep home, and I am able to have quality time with family and friends.
I came across a couple of neat sites today by Melissa Ringstaff whose homemaking philosophy is deeply inspired by Proverbs 31. I am so touched by her thinking and from what I've seen on her websites, I feel compelled to share them.
http://www.practicalhomemaking.com/timeforgod.htm Do read the article on 'Making Time for God'.....no matter what you're vocation, age, gender, Im sure it will encourage you to seek God in your own way everyday.
http://www.avirtuouswoman.org/ This website is the Proverbs 31 Ministry which Im sure is for every wife and mother, and every woman who is proud to keep home! The site has fantastic resources sure to help you with your daily struggles at managing the house.
Prayer for the Day
"God will make a way, where there seems to be no way."
Just Reach Out
Sometimes the night seems to go on for days
When it's hard to see the light through the darkness and the haze
While the world around you makes you feel out of place
And the burdens that you carry are just too hard to face
Ch: Just reach out and He'll reach in
Take your broken heart and make it whole again
It don't matter who you are or where you've been
Just reach out and He'll reach in
Standing in a crowd but still all alone
Crying out for answers that nobody knows
Everybody's busy looking out for themselves
Is there anyone who really cares about anyone else?
You say you've walked ten thousand steps away
But don't you know that it's only one step back
Because the One who hears you when you pray
Is the One who's there beside you
And He'll never walk away
**All Petra - Just Reach Out song lyrics are restricted for educational and personal use only
Warrior of Light
'Manual of the Warrior of Light', Paolo Coelho
Paolo Coelho's work came to me at a point in time when I needed much motivation and inspiration. I have started to build my own personal collection of his books. I usually pick them by choosing a title that appeals to my frame of mind/ set of circumstances I may be in. I must emphasis that I have never been let down. I have not yet read The Alchemist, which is perhaps one his most celebrated works. His material is simple to read, yet proufound. I found myself 'understood' as he so beautifully explains various thoughts and ideas.
I encourage you to find an author whose work encourages and uplifts you. We all need to be nourished. Reading as a habit is good for our minds; it broadens our perspective and injects fresh new ideas about ourselves/ the world around us/ life in general. Dont pick up a Paolo Coelho or Richard Bach if they're not up your alley. Pick a genre/ author/ title that appeals to your level of understanding and work from there. Anything that serves to make you feel better about who you are, that allows you to explore your personal spirituality, and be grateful to your Creator.
God is good. All the time.
Waking Up
I was raised in a strong Catholic family. Going to church, Sunday school, praying the rosary daily, were all part of my religous upbringing. However, growing up I experienced severe emotional and mental turmoil. I felt disconnected from my parents. I was constantly reminded and told that I had to be someone or achieve certain things in order to receive their love and affection. What made this worse was the obvious favour my younger sibling had with my parents. I suffered from severe low self- esteem. I remember wanting to kill myself even as young as the age of nine. I continued to have these suicidal feelings since.
However, as the years passed, there was one constant in my life. Jesus. And the Blessed Mother Mary. I dont know how or when it started, but I would 'talk' to them constantly in my head, as if I were speaking to friends. I could always tell them what I was feeling. And I know that so many years later, the only reason I didnt take my life, was one simple fact- if Id lost every single person I had ever loved in this world, only God would still love me; I dont have to be anyone for him, I simply have to be me.
Eventually the struggles became all too much to bear, and I started to move away from the Lord. I felt that my life would go nowhere, that I was worth nothing, even to Him. I longed for the love of my parents. I longed for the approval of my friends and peers. I was able to achieve high standards of excellence in education and at work, but I felt a big, black empty hole within me. I felt alone, like I was drifting aimlessly. Thoughts of suicide took over, stronger than ever. Just making it alive through each day became a struggle. From the age of 14, I have battled depression. The feelings of being in a deep bottomless pit, along with those of being unworthy took over. Over time, I stopped going to church. The very thought of it was painful to me. I felt a great distance between the Lord and myself. I trusted no one. Not even Him.
In July 2007, something happened. Something that has not only brought me back to Him, but renewed my faith in ways that didnt even exist before.
I dont believe in shoving religion down anyone's throat....this is not the purpose of this blog. The purpose of this blog is to chronicle my everyday life experiences and how my renewed spirituality has given me a new purpose to live.
Life is hard. It is unfair. But all is made beautiful, all good things come to us through Him. The Lord is our Rock. We cannot change overnight. It is a process. What we can do is make that choice. To wake up. Now.