
Warrior of Light

A warrior of light knows that in the silence of his heart he will hear an order that will guide him.p.55

'Manual of the Warrior of Light', Paolo Coelho

Paolo Coelho's work came to me at a point in time when I needed much motivation and inspiration. I have started to build my own personal collection of his books. I usually pick them by choosing a title that appeals to my frame of mind/ set of circumstances I may be in. I must emphasis that I have never been let down. I have not yet read The Alchemist, which is perhaps one his most celebrated works. His material is simple to read, yet proufound. I found myself 'understood' as he so beautifully explains various thoughts and ideas.

I encourage you to find an author whose work encourages and uplifts you. We all need to be nourished. Reading as a habit is good for our minds; it broadens our perspective and injects fresh new ideas about ourselves/ the world around us/ life in general. Dont pick up a Paolo Coelho or Richard Bach if they're not up your alley. Pick a genre/ author/ title that appeals to your level of understanding and work from there. Anything that serves to make you feel better about who you are, that allows you to explore your personal spirituality, and be grateful to your Creator.

God is good. All the time.

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